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Integrations are ready to use implementations for accessing often used services in own applications without re-implementing the same logic. These enable reduced coding effort and maintenance as well as standardized programming interfaces.


  • s3-integration: For CRUD operations on a S3 storage. Also used for file handling in other integrations.
  • email-integration: For sending text and HTML emails with attachments. Uses s3-integration for file handling.
  • dms-integration: For CRUD operations on a DMS system in specific fabasoft. Uses s3-integration for file handling.
  • cosys-integration: For creating documents with coSys. Uses s3-integration for file handling.
  • address-integration: For reading, searching and validating addresses via the LHM address service.

Naming conventions

The different submodules of integrations follow following naming conventions:

  • *-client: Interface for accessing the API of the underlying service.
  • *-core: Implementation of the base functionality of the integration in hexagonal architecture.
  • *-starter: Provides Beans of core services.
  • *-service: A Spring application using the starter. It is provided as container image and should not be used as dependency.
  • *-example: An example Spring application for testing and reference. It should not be used as dependency or in real environments.

Dependency graph

The following graph shows the relationships between the various modules and how they interact and rely on each other.